Diane Drakeley

A little

About Me

I am an inner-life coach. Your inner life drives the outer circumstances of your life. My highest purpose is to help you feel better about your life, to become personally empowered. If you are stressed, I have tools to teach that will help you feel calmer. If you are struggling with a big decision, a sudden turn of events, facing a fork in the road, I can help you gain clarity and find the best solutions in your heart. As your coach, I will hold your highest intentions as already manifest and guide you to find the action plan best suited to reach your desired goals. I will also ask thought provoking questions which are intended to help you think about things in new ways.

It’s important to feel comfortable when working with a coach – I offer a free session so that you can find out if you would like to work with me.

I am a Reiki Master and a full mesa carrier in the Peruvian Shamanic tradition. I have studied with Christy Whitman and the Quantum Council of Light to master my energy and emotions. These practices have taught me a great deal about how energy moves within the body, and they have expanded my perception of the world around me. I am learning more about how to trust my intuition which is that still small voice. Your intuition will tell you if you need an umbrella on a cloudy day when the weather report says not.

Some things that don’t normally appear on a resume which may help you get to know me better: I have been divorced and a single mom; involved in bad romances and now a great marriage going on 32 years; we have three grown children and 2 cats; I have a degree in Home Economics from the University of Idaho and have held all sorts of jobs from grocery store cashier, to teaching 7th grade, to program manager at a national association. I like to knit and sew and sing; bake cakes for birthdays; play with oracle cards and collect rocks.

It’s only fair to ask what qualifies me as a life coach aside from a piece of paper saying I’m certified. I am the lady at the grocery store who hears the life stories and current problems of the stranger in line with me. I offer compassion and understanding because I have been through a lot too. I trust in your strength and tenacity to overcome any situation you wish to. I will hold that vision for you if it is hard for you to believe in it. Together we can make amazing things happen in your life.