Diane Drakeley
Inner-Life Coach

Working with the Law of Attraction, you will discover that your inner life creates your outer life.
Create a life you love by strengthening your inner resources.
Process emotions so they don’t cause limiting beliefs and pain later on.
Strengthen your boundaries and choose how you respond as opposed to having a knee-jerk reaction.
The universe is truly a benevolent place when you learn more about how it works for you.
Feel supported by the Universe / Spirit / Your Higher Self.
Discover better ways to manage daily news and events.

My Services

Private Coaching Sessions
Whale & Dolphin Sessions

New: Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine
Enjoy profound and gentle healing with the Whales and Dolphins!
Begin with a Healing and Clearing session, followed by Light Body Activations.
Also experience DNA Calibrations with the Dolphins

Whale Message for Humanity
We are the ancient of the ancients. We are the Soul of the Souls. We are your past and we are your Memories.
We are your present and we are here with you in the Now Time. We are your link joined with you to create
the future for the Healing and Ascension of Mother Gaia. We are a Group Consciousness,
stewarding this planet as an example of the Good of the Many.
The Whales would like to assist us in remembering who we truly are.
Knowing and honoring who we are is an important aspect of our personal growth
toward love of self and our earth.

The sessions above are all available and completely effective by phone or video conference call.
Learn more by scheduling a free sample session: Click Contact Me below to send me a message.